I was sitting on my bed in front of my computer today, iTunes pulled up, listening to my worship playlist. I was having one of those rough “I miss my friends and family” moments, wishing I could see you and be with you all, even just for a short while. The song that came up on my playlist was a song about Heaven (We Will Dance- you Wheaton-folk know it well…), and I was completely overwhelmed by the fact that there will come a day when we will all (for those who know my precious Jesus) be together, worshiping Him unceasingly. The beauty of that picture brought me to tears. I may be separated from you all now, but one day we will be together, standing before the throne of our perfect Brother and King. And we’ll be joined by members of my wonderful new Haitian family. How I long for that day!
N.B. – I don’t pretend or assume that all of you who read this blog believe the same things or feel the same way I do about Jesus. I believe that He is the way to God the Father, and that each of us needs a relationship with Him. This belief shapes my life- what I do, how I act, the decisions I make. If you don’t believe this, or if you just don’t get it, I’d love to dialogue with you about it. I’m not going to fight with you, and I’m not going to try to shove it down your throat. But if you want to talk, let’s talk. Get in touch with me on facebook or email, or leave me a comment and I’ll get in touch with you.
For now, I see Heaven on these faces!