Sunday, December 2, 2012

I'm dreaming of my Christmas break!

It is a rainy Sunday morning, and I confess, I am not at church. I've been fighting a cold, and though I only have eleven (!) days until I go home, they are a very full, potentially stress-filled 11 days, and I'm not particularly eager to add sickness to that mix. And so I chose this morning to get a little extra sleep and then worship from home.

I've got lots of thoughts swirling around in my head, stuff that I'd like to fill you in on and stories I'd like to share, and so I will apologize in advance that this post will not be particularly cohesive. But here are the thoughts, in bullet point format, for your reading pleasure:

  • I just downloaded and listened to last week's sermon from the church I attended in college, Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, IL. The speaker observed that last week was the last Sunday of the liturgical year, and that Advent marks the beginning of a new church year. I love the intentionality that comes with certain seasons of the church calendar, particularly Lent and Advent. Haiti is not exactly the ho-ho-ho-full-of-Christmas-cheeriest of places, and so if I want some Christmas spirit around here, I've got to bring it myself. Christmas music playing, pine-scented candle burning, trying not to sweat as I watch Elf and drink hot cocoa :). But Advent encourages intentionality in my spiritual preparedness for Christmas, both looking back to the first coming of Christ, and looking forward with anticipation to His second coming. For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. (Romans 8: 22-25) I love that. Waiting with patience and hope for adoption as sons and the redemption of our bodies, and indeed the whole world, at Christ's coming.
  • School has been going SO much better, and I heartily thank those of you who have been praying about that. There are still daily challenges, but I'm seeing marked progress in my students and am feeling reassured that yes, this is in fact where I have been placed and where I'm supposed to be. But if I can confess something to you, I will tell you frankly that I am TIRED. I'm ready for a break from long days of lesson planning, lesson delivering, tutoring, and students who really try my patience. But in reading through Mark's Gospel (where I've been lately), I stumbled upon something that really surprised me. All over the place, Jesus is healing people and performing miracles, and he consistently tells the recipients, "Tell no one" or "Go home but do not enter the village". I've always wondered about that - why wouldn't Jesus want people to shout from the rooftops that He was the Messiah? But this week it occurred to me: brother was TIRED! People were badgering him, all the time all the time all the time, to heal them, speak to them, provide for them. I'm not suggesting that this was the only reason he wanted them to stay hush-hush, but I felt myself understanding, soul-deep, a certain measure of what he was feeling. But inevitably, the people do go and tell - they want everyone to know that they were blind and now they see, they were sick and now they're well. And that, inevitably, leads to a large crowd of people, pressing in on Jesus, begging him to help them. I feel stressed just thinking about that, and I almost want him to yell, "NO! Just no. Go away and leave me alone for awhile! Maybe next week you can come, but right now," But he never does. He always welcomes them, he always listens to them, he always makes time for them. That was the challenge to me - I'd like to yell at the constant stream of kids who come to me after school, ostensibly needing pencils, paper, a staple or two (but really just wanting to be loved...) and preventing me from getting anything accomplished ever, to just leave me alone for awhile! I've said to God, "I'm just too tired! I can't deal with it anymore, so please don't ask me to!" and He has basically said to me, "Right. I know you can't deal with it on your own strength, but will you accept it with My strength, which is sufficient for you and made perfect in weakness?" I won't lie, I don't want to. I want to close and lock my door and keep all that crazy out. And sometimes I do, out of necessity (otherwise I really would not EVER get anything accomplished). But will I allow my attitude to be one of invitation, of receiving these children, despite my tiredness and frustration? Only in His strength.
  • And finally, I just have to tell you about the Christmasy things I'm dreaming about, dreams that will hopefully be a reality in 11 days or so: A Starbucks Peppermint mocha (in a Christmas cup). Wearing sweaters and scarves. Taking an unnecessary number of hot showers and baths. Putting up and decorating a Christmas tree (I'm thinking, like, the night that I get home. Mom? Dad? Can we arrange this?). Sitting by said glowy Christmas tree in the early morning. And undoubtedly at the top of the list, spending sweet time with loved ones, particularly my wonderful nephew and brand-new (so new I haven't met her yet!) niece! Yes, I am definitely ready to get this Christmas show on the road. Christmas break, please come quick but pass by slowly :).

Thanks for putting up with this long, weird, pictureless post. I'll try to work on getting you some pictures in the near future! In the meantime, a happy and meaningful Advent season to you!

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