Saturday, February 16, 2013

Food for thought.

So, media fast is officially over. It was good, and I learned stuff. But if I can liken the stuff I learned to a baked good, well, it needs more time in the oven (sorry, me and the food references these days...).

I think it started a lot of good things in me, but they're still maturing, and not well-formed just yet. So I'm going to beg your patience a bit longer, but in the meantime, here are two quotes that I read recently that have stirred something in me. They came from a book I just finished reading, A Year of Biblical Womanhood by Rachel Held Evans. I know I sort of always say this, but I think everyone should read this book. It has important things to say about the American church and our beliefs about women and the lens through which we view Scripture. It is also hilarious. You may not always agree with Rachel, but she will make you think. And if you don't know anything about this book, please don't judge it by its title. You are bound to be surprised.

So without further ado, some inspiration care of my girl RHE:

Drop Thy still dews of quietness,
Till all our strivings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and stress,
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of Thy peace.

-John Greenleaf Whittier

And a prayer from St. Teresa of Avila:

Let nothing upset you,
Let nothing startle you.
All things pass;
God does not change.
Patience wins all it seeks.
Whoever has God lacks nothing.
God alone is enough.

May God's peace be yours this week and in this Lenten season.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

missionary-turned-food-blogger? nah...

Hey there readers.

So, I baked a grapefruit today. [Um, sorry, did I fail to mention that this post has nothing to do with my media fast? I was a little excited about the grapefruit.]

You know how that's all popular and trendy these days? The baked-grapefruit-trend? Anybody?
 Right. So, we finished dinner and I wanted a little something sweet. Behold, we had grapefruits. We had brown sugar. And we had not much other sweet stuff in the house.

That was enough motivation for me to whip out the ole computer in search of a recipe. Which basically boils down to this: 1. Cut grapefruit in half. 2. Cut around the edge to separate fruit from skin. 3. Cut around the little sections. 4. Sprinkle brown sugar on top. 5. Broil for 5 minutes. (Or, if you happen to live in Haiti with a gas oven that has no broiler, just turn your oven heat up as high as it will go, and pop that grapefruit in.)

It was quite delicious, and definitely something I would make again. (I failed to take a picture of it because, well, I was a little too interested in consuming it. I would make a terrible food blogger.) Here is a beautiful picture that someone else took of this delectable creation.

So, um, sorry if this post is semi-lame/irrelevant. I just felt like you should experience this, if you haven't already. That's all, though my media fast will in fact be over in about a week. Expect a post on that not too far into the future. Until then, go bake yourself a grapefruit!